- Pioneering a comprehensive educational renaissance for temporal as well as spiritual success.
- Cultivating insight, critical thinking, scientific temper & creative ideation among the students.
- Promoting a coherent paradigm of all-round intellectual, moral, spiritual & physical education.
- Establishing an Islamic educational paradigm fundamentally oriented towards human welfare.
- Resolving the absurd dichotomy of the worldly and the religious, entrenched in our community.
- Inculcating a spirit of tolerance in the next generation to unite Muslims of different affiliations.
- Reviving the spectacular ethical, spiritual, educational & civili- zational legacy of our glorious past.
- Rearing tomorrow’s statesmen who will be the architects of the impending global transformations.
- Nurturing intellectuals who will disseminate & demonstrate practical solutions for social problems.
- Developing a profound curriculum integrating empirical knowledge with divinely revealed guidance.
- Training young minds to clear misconceptions about Islam & cordially invite the whole humanity to it with wisdom.