Darul Uloom Imam-e-Rabbani is basically a humble attempt to return towards the unity of education. The integration of religious and physical empirical knowledge is without a doubt an enchanting & captivating idea. However, those with insight know, that developing a comprehensive integrated syllabus of the 2 fields with their vast & varied topics, is certainly not an easy task.

We aspire to raise a generation of highly accom- plished, rational, righteous, compassionate & courageous Islamic scholars & professionals who will be able to wisely & practically represent Islam as a balanced, sustainable & functional alternative for the beleaguered humanity.
It is our earnest endeavor to re-ignite the latent intellectual potential of the Ummah which is reeling under the onslaught of misrepresenta- tion, sectarian conflicts, materialistic orienta- tion, scholastic mediocrity, stagnation of creativ- ity, commodification of knowledge, compart- mentalization of education, ignorance of tradi- tional wisdom, insignificance of value education, alienation from Divine Guidance & a collective amnesia of our intellectual legacy.